Tool Library — Day Worker Center of Mountain View


With the passage of Assembly Bill 1346, California will prohibit engine exhaust and evaporative emissions from new small off-road engines, such as lawn tools and landscaping equipment, starting January 1, 2024. In response, the Day Worker Center of Mountain View, in collaboration with the City of Mountain View is taking proactive steps to provide a wide range of electrical gardening tools for employers who hire workers beginning February 5, 2024

Our electrical tools provide a cleaner, more efficient, and eco-friendly way to tend to your garden.

Say goodbye to noisy, high-maintenance gas-powered tools and hello to the ease and environmental benefits of electrical gardening tools.


Why Choose Our Electrical Tools?


Go green with electrical tools,

reducing emissions and

environmental impact compared

to gas-powered alternatives.

Noise Reduction

Enjoy quieter garden

maintenance with electrical

tools, ideal for early morning or

late evening gardening.


Instead of having to buy your

own electrical tools for your

garden, you can rent them from

the Center when hiring a worker.

Lightweight and


Experience less strain and easier

control while working in your



Electrical gardening tools for borrowing unlock the power of easy gardening!

Electrical gardening tools for borrowing unlock the power of easy gardening!

Our Electrical Tools Selection Includes:

  • Electric Lawn Mowers

  • Hedge Trimmers

  • Leaf Blowers

  • Chainsaws

  • Pole head trimmers

  • And More!


After completing two theory sessions and a hands-on training at Rengstorff Park, workers from the Day Worker Center received certification from the American Green Zone Alliance (AGZA) on January 19th, 2024.

We want to express our special thanks to the Sustainability Department of the City of Mountain View, Leadership Mountain View, Karen Druker, The Rotary Club of Los altos, Marn Yee, Andrea Klein Lacy, the donors, and friends of the DWC for all their support.



Do I have to hire a worker to borrow an electric gardening tool?

Yes, in order to borrow an electric tool, an employer must reserve a worker first. Only employers registered with the Day Worker Center of Mountain View are eligible to borrow tools when hiring workers from the Day Worker Center.

Is there a fee for the service?

No, there is no charge. However, employers will be able to borrow the tools as long as the total wages of the hired workers reach a minimum of $100 per day, per worker. If the employer requires 2 tools, they would need to hire 2 workers, totaling $200. If they need 3 tools, the total would be $300, and so forth.

Can I reserve an electric tool for a multiple day project?

It depends. Usually, the tool borrowing period starts when workers are hired and ends when they return to the Center after finishing their job or before 3 pm. If the work extends beyond 3 pm, the employer must inform the staff of the Day Worker Center at the time of hiring. In that case, the employer takes responsibility for storing the tool properly and securely until the job is completed.

How far in advance should I reserve a tool?

Employers are required to notify the Day Worker Center staff of their need to borrow the tool at least 24 hours in advance.

Can I use the electric tool for different projects than the one originally stated?

No. The tools can only be used for the job for which the tool corresponds and that the employer requested. The tools should not be used for any other purpose or task. If the employer asks the worker to use the tool for another job, the worker reserves the right to refuse its use for other jobs that do not correspond to the original tool use or job request.